Optimum serves Notice of Intent to defend Takedown

For Immediate Release Toronto

Press Release

February 22, 2019

Vic Fedeli Defamation Suit

Optimum Publishing International and its parent company have retained counsel and served a Notice of Intent to Defend the defamation lawsuit brought by Victor Fedeli in response to the publication of Takedown: The Attempted Political Assassination of Patrick Brown.

We intend to defend the publication of Takedown fully and vigorously in court. In the days ahead, we will be filing a Statement of Defence that responds to the allegations made by Mr. Fedeli in greater detail.

Optimum Publishing will not be intimidated by multi-million dollar defamation suits, and will continue to give authors a platform to take on powerful institutions, governments, corporations and individuals, in order to tell stories that are in the public interest. Our most recent book, Bad Blood, The Unspeakable Truth on the Tainted Blood Disaster, is another example of such book.


For interviews, media tour and theatrical rights information, please contact publicity@optimumpublishinginternational.com or call 647 970-1973.

Optimum is known for delivering sensational crime and political best sellers spanning 5 decades The Canadian Connection: Jean-Pierre Charbonneau. Montreal underworld: 1976 Beyond Reason: Margaret Trudeau, French Worldwide/ Global Syndication, 1989 Northern Connection, Inside Canada's Deadliest Mafia Family: Peter Edwards, 2005 Optimum launched Bad Blood, The Unspeakable Truth by Vic Parsons January 2019. The docudrama Unspeakable airing in Canada and the US is in part based on the original book.

Other books: Up the Hill by the Treasury Board President, Donald Johnson MP, 1986: This land is our land: The Mohawk revolt at Oka. MacLaine, C., Baxendale, M. S., & Galbraith, R. (1990). From the Plains of Africa to the Jungles of Parliament, Barry Turner MP, 2012 General Beatty’s book, Bullet Proof Flag, Canada’s Peace Keepers in Cyprus, 2014


Dean Baxendaletoronto