Is Prince Edward Island being stolen?

Espionage, Organized Crime, Money Laundering, and underworld networks stretching from mainland China to Taiwan and then to Canada. In the smallest province in the nation, at the heart of the birthplace of confederation, PEI became fertile ground for the United Front’s Elite Capture operations, and local politicians were none the wiser.

With over 70 years of experience in conducting intelligence undercover investigations while countering espionage by our enemies, Garry Clement and Michel Juneau-Katsuya bring this shocking story to light, and in the end, Anne of Green Gables was the icing on the cake.

Publisher and global columnist Dean Baxendale rounds out this investigative team that has looked beyond the lies and deception and focused on where the facts and the analysis took them.


A Border Services investigation was at the prosecution state with an imminent convisiton was all of a sudden called off; by whom?

Bags or red envelopes of cash paid to provincial politicians. A hotel that served as the home address to over five-hundred former Chinese nationals who were trying to defraud the government. A failed and federally shut down PNP immigration program that funnelled money to the island without the immigrants ever showing up. It led to Premier Ghiz resigning but there is a whole lot more to a mysterious Buddhist group endearing themselves to the locals but lying about their plans and a Monk who tried to warn officials who mysteriously disappears in 2018 never to be heard of again.

Garry Clement, former RCMP superintendent, CEO, Clement Advisory Group


The investigators travelled to Washington, Vancouver, Munich, London, Ottawa, Montreal, Taiwan, and London to uncover the whole story.  They also met with leading academics who understood how the CCP was hijacking Tibetan Buddhism globally while claiming to be close to His Holiness Dalai Lama.

Michel Juneau-Katsuya, former CSIS Senior Intelligence Officer, CEO, Northgate Group