Ottawa Book Launch and Media Tour


Patrick Brown's Media and Book Tour

Patrick Brown makes comeback in Brampton

“Politics is described as a bloodsport ... this book [has] taken it to a new level. I would call it a Game of Thrones kind of assassination.”— —Cynthia Mulligan, CityNews, Toronto

TORONTO, ON, CANADA, December 12, 2018 / -- We are pleased to confirm the Ottawa Region Book launch for Patrick Brown’s bestselling book TAKEDOWN.

It is your chance to meet and hear Mayor Patrick Brown speak about politics. Learn about the backroom deals, the consultants and key players who ultimately played a role in his hasty resignation as party leader. This is a story about a person who rebuilt the party from the ground up with an inclusive and diverse group of passionate Canadians and for Patrick’s vision for Ontario and a better Canada.

Last month, Optimum released the biggest Canadian political book of this century. We did not do so for the headlines, but in order to provide the public with a profound look into the human condition and the driving forces of greed, power, deceit — particularly how these forces manifest themselves as collusion, conspiracy, and flat-out lies.

The book, Takedown by Patrick Brown, can now be found on both the Indigo and Amazon Bestsellers lists. It instantly hit number one on Amazon’s Hot New Releases and Political Bestsellers lists.

The true legacy of this book will be revealed gradually over the coming months and years. Indeed, there will be significant breaking news stories coming out in the next few weeks that underline just one of the central themes outlined in the book.

We urge everyone who cares about politics, fairness, and justice to pay attention to news out of British Columbia and the ongoing investigations into organized crime and money laundering. Pay particular attention to the connections to the Liberal and PC parties in Ontario and a “purging” of sorts through a mainstream financial institution.

The story is far from over.

December 15, 2018
Media Scrum at 10:45 to 11:00 
Holiday Inn Gloucester

December 15, 2018
Time 9:45 to 10:45

Eastern Ontario Book Launch 
Holiday Inn Gloucester, ON

Dean Baxendale