Optimum to launch new book in Washington: Nuclear Revolution by Jack Smith

Optimum Publishing launches ‘Nuclear Revolution,’ A New Book Detailing How to Maximize American Nuclear Energy

 Press Release: November 12, 2024


 WASHINGTON—Today, Optimum Publishing International announces a new book titled ‘Nuclear Revolution: Powering the Next Generation.’ The book—written by Jack Spencer a Senior Research Fellow for Energy and Environmental Policy at the Heritage Foundation. Jack Spencer puts forth a vision for America’s nuclear energy policy that will unleash free enterprise to drive nuclear energy into the future.  As Spencer puts it, “What we need in American nuclear power is not a renaissance but a revolution and that requires a revolution in policy.” In response to the book’s launch, The Heritage Foundation and Optimum made the following statement.

 Heritage Senior Research Fellow for Energy and Environmental Policy and author of the book Jack Spencer said:  “Nuclear energy is proven to be safe, reliable, and clean, yet it remains expensive. Whether we like it or not, economics matter and figuring out how to drive down costs must be the focus of our policy discourse.” 

“Nuclear is the one energy source that could meet the most demand preferences by the most people in the United States. The reality is that modern industrial nations like the United States require a lot of energy, and that energy demand grows over time. Nuclear energy can be our energy future, yet obsolete regulations and counterproductive policy continue to limit its potential.

Nuclear Revolution argues that after well over a half-century of safe operations, nuclear energy is neither new nor scary and that it is high time that policy and regulation stop treating it as such .”

 Optimum Publishing International President Dean Baxendale added:

 “Jack’s Nuclear Revolution offers one of the most compelling arguments for a course change in American nuclear energy policy to date.

 “His book offers a clear pathway to achieve economically sustainable nuclear power while debunking myths surrounding the technology. Jack’s takes are refreshing and break down complex energy and economic policy into clear terms. Optimum is grateful for the opportunity to help advance Jack’s latest book. We wholeheartedly recommend it to policy experts, lawmakers, or those simply fascinated by the energy sector.”

Below are some of the main takeaways from the book:

 ·         The federal government is the wrong institution to move nuclear energy forward as its failure to reinvigorate American nuclear power in recent decades proves.  America needs a new approach rooted in political stability, a rational regulatory environment, and properly aligned economic incentives and responsibilities.

·         While the antinuclear movement has been largely cast aside, its legacy looms in every corner of the American nuclear energy industry and the halls of power that affect its economic viability. Skepticism sown through decades of misinformation around nuclear power from those who opposed it continues to inform how the industry is regulated.

·         Ultimately, an industry built on free enterprise and private-sector ingenuity will always out-compete one managed by politicians and bureaucrats. The only question is whether policymakers will recognize this opportunity and allow a uniquely American industry—one that is competitive, innovative, and driven by free enterprise—to emerge.

 The book is available for purchase at www.opibooks.com or at Amazon

For media inquiries, please contact:

·         US Primary: Matthew Tragesser (matthew.tragesser@heritage.org)

For Canada and the rest of the world, please contact Dean Baxendale

( deanb@opibooks.com )


A Book launch and panel discussion will take place at The Heritage Foundation on Thursday, November 21, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. For more details, go to our events page below.


RSVP for in person event at https://optimumpublishinginternational.com/events-1/nuclearrevolution




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