Why calling out transnational repression using the racist card is so important

The China Democracy Fund released its paper on Transnational Repression by the CCP and below, we highlight the case of author’s Benedict Rogers and Sam Cooper. The paper was authored by Dr. Teng Biao and publisher Dean Baxendale. Teng has been a visiting fellow at Harvard Law School, Yale Law School, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, New York University, Hunter College, and Harvard’s Carr Center for Human Rights.   

In October of 2017 when Ben  was denied entry to Hong Kong by the Hong Kong authority he was immediately sent on a flight out of the country.  His work on exposing the CCP’s repression and violent takeover of Hong Kong led to a the most blatant and egregious form of Transnational repression when on March 10th he received a letter from the Hong Kong Authority threatening him with an up to 100,000 Hong Kong dollar fine and from three years to life imprisonment if he did not take down the Hong Kong Watch web site and ceased his activities on highlighting repression and promoting freedom and democracy in Hong Kong.

All of this is to intimidate Ben and his colleagues for doing what they do best.  Alert the world to the sometimes barbaric actions of the CCP while showing a nexus between weak politicians and business people who continue to empower the CCP while accepting a Faustian bargain.

Thank you  

Sam Cooper

 Before the global pandemic created by the Coronavirus (Covid 19), Global news reporter and author Sam Cooper received some intelligence that the Chinese Communist Party's united front operatives were actively repatriating PPE back to China. 

 His research resulted in a major national news story published by Global News(ref *10). Other news outlets around the world picked up the story. Cooper and Global were immediately threatened with legal action by key United Front figures tied to transnational organized crime and various fake benevolent associations like CACA that obfuscate the true intentions of the CCP in their influence operations in every country around the globe. The United Front cited racism as his motivation, declaring that, once again, reporters are racists towards Asian Canadians. 

 Joyce Murray, MP from the Vancouver Quadra riding and then Minister of Digital Government, had a staff member use her WE Chat account to solicit funds to sue Sam Cooper and Global for defamation. The threatened lawsuit was getting a lot of traction in Ottawa. The opposition leader, Andrew Scheer, challenged the Prime Minister during the Question Period in the House. Prime Minister Trudeau rose and defended Cooper and Global's fundamental free speech and fair comment rights. 'Attacking the integrity of hard-working journalists is unacceptable.'  Various UFWs have sued Cooper and transnational organized crime figures no less than four times as he exposed their massive footprint on Canadian soil.




Pandemic Panic | The Long Shadow of the Emergencies Act


As the Press is silenced, the cultural revolution lives on