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Freedom of Speech, Challenging Hypocrisy and Seeking Truth over Power

Optimum Publishing has a long history of bringing Books That Matter to market. By launching both Patrick Brown and Vic Parsons (Bad Blood, The Unspeakable Truth) we felt it was important to capture and tell the story by individuals with skin in the game. Last April, OPI Books provided Canadians with a glimpse into Maxime Bernier’s unfinished memoir Doing Politics Differently. Maxime had strong convictions on Supply Management and if the truth be told, he lost the leadership because of these very principles. He was challenging Conservative (political expediency) on Supply Management. We published chapter 5.

The Conservatives professed to be the party of free trade, free markets and no corporate welfare, but perhaps it was too much for Mr. Bernier when he watched Andrew Scheer rub in the loss in that famous luncheon prank. As you know he gleefully pulled out a carton of milk and drank from it;; thus demonstrating his support for the dairy cartel that helped to seal his contentious victory. In the end, it is called HYPOCRISY, and it is about time that citizens stood up and challenged the politicians, policymakers and the gatekeepers who say one thing to get elected and yet do the opposite, once in power. Maxime Bernier has since formed the Peoples Party of Canada to take the issues he sees as important to Canadians. We wish him luck.

In Takedown, Patrick Brown told his side of the story. He spoke on the very issues that are breaking down our democracy within the party apparatus. It is a powerful and phenomenal story of deceit, covert surveillance, political black operations, big money and turncoats. He also pointed out the hypocrisy of the PC Party and MPP’s that seek power for self-realization while attempting to subvert democracy rather than to implement real change for all of the people. Readers should understand that your democracy has already been SOLD and people need to take action.

In Takedown, we sought to verify Mayor Brown’s story based on his investigations, media reports, caucus and executive members and by reaching out to many who were directly or indirectly part of the story. We will stand behind our author while protecting the rights of individuals to bring their story forward in a thoughtful and respectful way. At Optimum we stand behind the fourth estate as that critical pillar of our democracy and especially in the disinformation and Fake News era. We vetted the book carefully and in certain cases protected the identity of various individuals who were central to the story.

Long live the voices of critique and seekers of TRUTH.